Our company’s mission is “To be the leader in the industry in the future, and enhance our brand to be perceived as high quality and affordable.
Since, our company is in the stage of introducing the product to the market, we choose to serve those customers who want E-bike with long durability of battery. We did the survey for both primary and secondary data. From the information we gathered, it shows that the most frequent complaint that E-bike users have is about the price and the second thing is about the battery durability. So, we design and develop our product with long durability by using a premium quality of battery that is Lithium iron phosphate.
We aim to solve the customers’ problem about the battery to allow them to use it for longer time. The first model that we introduce to the market is Dumbbell E-bike, we decided to focus on women as our target market. We recognize that nowadays women are taking responsibility for taking care of their child and going to the market for shopping. As women, they tend to carry many things as their nature and they need it to be safe for keeping things in the basket. We saw this opportunity that we should satisfy this need, so we develop the basket that can be close and lock. The attribution that we decided to add on the product is the extra seat in front of the first for the kid. The product we offer to the market has to be strong as the name ‘Dumbbell’, we design the product with maximum load of 150 kilogram because it main function is to carry at least 2 people and some stuff. Another attribution that we choose to offer is the product durability of battery, from the survey outcome, the age between 26-30 given the durability of battery as the most important factor when considering buying E-bike. So, we satisfy stated needs as the customers indicated clearly that they need it
E-bike is considered to be ‘specialty goods’. According to Kotler, specialty goods are goods with unique characteristic or brand identification for which enough buyers are willing to make a special purchasing effort67. As our product offer premium battery quality, which aims to serve the product with long-term user to the customers, the price is quite high and it will be available only in bike store specifically.