3.Enhancement of human resources development system in public sector
The importance of human resources specialist development system enhancement in present situation is determined by a few important conditions: public administration specialists’ decisions and their performance have an increasing role in choosing new perspective directions and priorities for social, economic, political, science and technology development; public administration specialists tend to become a link between people and their society on the one hand and various technical and other systems on the other hand: public administration specialists’ decisions and their actions have a growing impact on interaction between people and their society and biological, technical, informational and other environments, and also significantly affect our possibilities to use innovations and modern means of automatization, robotization, computerization, introduction of information technologies; public administration specialists’ performance becomes a crucial factor in globalization and internationalization of economic, social, cultural, informational, scientific and technological development (Beattie & Osborne, 2008; Beardwell & Claydon, 2007; Abell & Oxbrow, 2006; Armstrong, 2006; Cascio, 2006). It is also noteworthy that elements of integration are inherent to the public administration specialists’
professional activity and this integration has a twofold expression: public administration specialists’ performance is always oriented to of other people or organizations; an important characteristic of public administration specialists activity is the combination of different activities which requires knowledge, skills and experience of different character. Elements of integration, inherent to public administration specialists’ performance, show that public administration specialists fulfil the function of synergetic effects formation. Realizing the rapidly growing importance of formation and use of synergetic effects in the modern society development we may claim that