Currently I’m completing a Bachelor’s degree in Communication at the INHolland
School of Communications in the Netherlands. I’m in my 3rd year and therefore I
have to conduct a 5 month internship. The reason I choose to do my internship
abroad is because I wanted to benefit from the experience. After following 3
internships in the Netherlands during my previous education, I wanted a new
challenge. I wanted to do my internship abroad to experience the international
business world and to learning, improve and develop new sets of skills. One of my
main goals is to improve my English. Another goal is that I’m planning to study
abroad and follow a Masters program. This is why I choose to follow my internship
abroad; to learn and develop new sets of skills and to experience working abroad.
The reason I choose Canada for my internship is because my uncle is living in Toronto
well over 20 years. It seemed convenient for me knowing that one of my relatives is
nearby, someone who can help me and show me the way in Canada while doing
my internship abroad.
In this internship report I will describe my experiences during my internship period. The
internship report contains an overview of the internship company and the activities,
tasks and projects that I have worked on during my internship. Writing this report, I
also will describe and reflect my learning objects and personal goa