How to capture an error on the client’s desktop.
1. Unpack “” file in some folder at your desktop or laptop.
2. Every day before start working with the application, navigate to extracted folder “AVCaptureUtility” and launch “AVSimpleCapture.exe” program.
3. Click “Record” button at the opened window:
4. Start your day-to-day work until an application gets an error message.
5. Once you see this message, immediately stop traffic capturing. Click “Stop” button for that:
6. Instantly after that, take a screenshot of the issue by pressing “Print Screen” button at your keyboard.
7. Compose an email to the following recipients: Attach an issue description (what do you expect to do and what actually happened) and any other materials related to the issue on your own choice (e.g. application logs).
8. Insert a screenshot you have just made by pressing Shit+Insert buttons. Attach *.ope file from the “AVCaptureUtility” (what you have extracted earlier). Select the one which represents actual