With the entry into force of the FAFML, minimal requirements for the lawyer's qualification and practice in Switzerland were established for the first time on a federal level. This law has a dual aspect, as it regu- lates national as well as international ituations On a national level, the conditions of the swiss lawyers' quali cation were unified for the first time. Such a development was essen- tial in in Switzerland to order to enable lawyers who had qualifie move freely in the whole country. At the same time Cantons maintain he ability to determine the lawyers' education that shall apply in their territory. In fact, with regard to the conditions of registration in a Can tonal Register of Lawyers and the free movement of lawyers, only minimal conditions are foreseen by the law. This is done in accord- ance with the federal system that governs the country Eu- On an international level, in the general context of the right of ropean Lawyers to practice freely within Europe, the FAFML of an in Switzerland from becoming an isolated island in the middle conditions gly unified continent. In fact, the law integrates the of Persons issued by the Bilateral Agreement on the Free Movement on a per under which European Lawyers can practice in Switzerland manent or non-permanent basis.