when ben gunn saw the union flag flying above the trees he grabbed my arm 'that is the british flag he said your friend are sgeltering in captain flint's old log house what if it is the pirates ? i asked no pirates don't fly the union flag. pirates always fly let's go to the log house. you can meet Dr. livesey and squire trelawney i said no noy yet replied ben i don't trust anyone. one of them must come and see me frist. he'll find me where you then a cannonball flew through the trees and thudded into the sand. ben ran into the wood and i set off for the log house more cannonball fell and i ran from one hiding place to another the cannonball were aimed at the loog house and i didn't dare go too near it. soon i was back on the beach. the tide was right out and i could see the hispaniola. the cannon fire was over but i noticed something that almost made my heart stop the pirate flag-the jolly roger - was flying above the ship