Student Alcohol and Other Drug
Policy Statement
The University of Vermont is committed to sustaining an academic environment that both
respects individual freedom and promotes the health, safety, and well-being of all members of
our community. It is essential that the members of this community recognize that the misuse and
abuse of alcohol and the use of illicit drugs constitute a threat to the educational mission of the
University, a violation of state and/or federal law and a violation of University policy.
Reason for the Policy
The University has adopted this policy in support of its educational mission and in compliance
with the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989. The University has adopted programs
to provide education about the harmful effects of alcohol and other drugs and to prevent the
misuse of alcohol and other drugs. While the University respects the individual freedom of the
members of our community, that freedom comes with an expectation that individuals will act in
accordance with University Policy and applicable local, state and federal law. Substance use is
not an acceptable excuse for behavior that violates community standards. The University seeks to
provide an environment free from the adverse effects of alcohol and other drug abuse. All
members of the University community are responsible for being fully aware of the requirements
of University policy as well as local, state, and federal laws regarding alcohol and other drugs.
The University holds students accountable for behavior that violates University policy and may
refer incidents which could constitute a violation of law to University Police Services as well as
to the Center for Student Ethics and Standards.
The University recognizes that substance abuse is a serious problem that may require
professional assistance and treatment. Accordingly, a variety of services are available to
students who seek education and/or assistance for substance abuse problems. These resources
include information and confidential counseling services through the Center for Health and
Wellbeing. In addition, staff in these offices can make referrals to other services available in the
Student Alcohol and Other Drug Use
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Applicability of the Policy
This policy applies to students, student organizations, and their guests on University owned or
leased property and facilities and/or engaged in a University activity. University premises means
all land, buildings, facilities, and other property owned or leased by the University of
Vermont. Off-campus conduct in violation of this policy, or local, state or federal laws
regulating drug or alcohol use, may also subject a student to disciplinary or other appropriate
administrative action when it is reasonably perceived to pose an imminent threat of harm to the
safety of the student or others or reflects on a student's fitness to continue in the academic
program in which the student is enrolled.
Policy Elaboration
Activities: means any act or event sponsored or organized by the University, including its
constituent administrative and academic units and recognized student organizations. Without
limitation, “activities” shall include all intercollegiate and intramural athletic events, faculty,
staff and student meetings, conferences, field trips, retreats and all other acts or events for which
the University of Vermont (including student organizations) pay expenses, or provide facilities,
services, supplies or transportation.
Alcohol: means any beverage containing more than 0.5% ethyl alcohol by weight.
Illicit drug: or “controlled substance” shall include controlled substances and analogs as defined
by federal and state law.
Possession: is determined by control over a substance or object with or without regard to
Property: means any property owned, leased, or controlled by the University of Vermont,
including any motor vehicle and watercraft.
Student: Any person taking or auditing any courses at the University of Vermont. Any course
registration, whether in a non-degree or degree-granting program of undergraduate, graduate, or
professional studies, characterizes the registrant as a "student" from the point of registration to
the completion of the course of study. Persons who are not officially enrolled for a particular
term but who have clearly manifested intent to attend, remain in attendance, or to return to the
University of Vermont as students are considered "students." Examples include, but are not
limited to, students who are enrolled but not taking classes due to an academic break, medical
leave, suspension, or other personal leave; persons who demonstrate an intent to enroll by
registering for courses; and students participating in study abroad programs
นักเรียนเครื่องดื่มแอลกอฮอล์และยาอื่น ๆคำแถลงนโยบายมหาวิทยาลัยรัฐเวอร์มอนต์เป็นการประคับประคองสภาพแวดล้อมทางวิชาการซึ่งทั้งสองเคารพเสรีภาพแต่ละ และส่งเสริมสุขภาพ ความปลอดภัย และความเป็นอยู่ของสมาชิกทั้งหมดของชุมชนของเรา มันเป็นสิ่งสำคัญที่สมาชิกของชุมชนนี้รู้จักที่ผิดที่ และละเมิดของแอลกอฮอล์และการใช้ยาผิดกฎหมายประกอบเป็นภัยคุกคามต่อภารกิจทางการศึกษาของการมหาวิทยาลัย การละเมิดกฎหมายของรัฐบาลกลาง หรือรัฐ และการละเมิดนโยบายของมหาวิทยาลัยเหตุผลสำหรับนโยบายมหาวิทยาลัยได้นำนโยบายนี้ สนับสนุนภารกิจทางการศึกษา และปฏิบัติตามกฎระเบียบโรงเรียนฟรียาและพระราชบัญญัติชุมชน 1989 มหาวิทยาลัยได้นำโปรแกรมเพื่อให้การศึกษาเกี่ยวกับอันตรายของสุราและยาเสพติดอื่น ๆ และ เพื่อป้องกันการนำเครื่องดื่มแอลกอฮอล์และยาอื่น ๆ ในขณะที่มหาวิทยาลัยเคารพเสรีภาพในแต่ละสมาชิกของชุมชนของเรา ที่เสรีภาพที่มาพร้อมกับความคาดหวังที่บุคคลจะดำเนินการในสามัคคีกับ นโยบายของมหาวิทยาลัย และท้องถิ่นที่ใช้ สถานะ และกฎหมาย ใช้สารไม่ยอมรับข้อแก้ตัวสำหรับพฤติกรรมที่ละเมิดมาตรฐานชุมชน มหาวิทยาลัยพยายามที่จะสร้างสิ่งแวดล้อมฟรีจากผลกระทบของแอลกอฮอล์และเสพอื่น ๆ ทั้งหมดสมาชิกของชุมชนของมหาวิทยาลัยเป็นการตระหนักในความรับผิดชอบนโยบายมหาวิทยาลัยเช่นเป็นท้องถิ่น รัฐ กฎหมายกลางเกี่ยวกับเครื่องดื่มแอลกอฮอล์ และยาอื่น ๆThe University holds students accountable for behavior that violates University policy and mayrefer incidents which could constitute a violation of law to University Police Services as well asto the Center for Student Ethics and Standards.The University recognizes that substance abuse is a serious problem that may requireprofessional assistance and treatment. Accordingly, a variety of services are available tostudents who seek education and/or assistance for substance abuse problems. These resourcesinclude information and confidential counseling services through the Center for Health andWellbeing. In addition, staff in these offices can make referrals to other services available in thecommunity. Student Alcohol and Other Drug UsePage 2 of 12Applicability of the PolicyThis policy applies to students, student organizations, and their guests on University owned orleased property and facilities and/or engaged in a University activity. University premises meansall land, buildings, facilities, and other property owned or leased by the University ofVermont. Off-campus conduct in violation of this policy, or local, state or federal lawsregulating drug or alcohol use, may also subject a student to disciplinary or other appropriateadministrative action when it is reasonably perceived to pose an imminent threat of harm to thesafety of the student or others or reflects on a student's fitness to continue in the academicprogram in which the student is enrolled.
Policy Elaboration
Activities: means any act or event sponsored or organized by the University, including its
constituent administrative and academic units and recognized student organizations. Without
limitation, “activities” shall include all intercollegiate and intramural athletic events, faculty,
staff and student meetings, conferences, field trips, retreats and all other acts or events for which
the University of Vermont (including student organizations) pay expenses, or provide facilities,
services, supplies or transportation.
Alcohol: means any beverage containing more than 0.5% ethyl alcohol by weight.
Illicit drug: or “controlled substance” shall include controlled substances and analogs as defined
by federal and state law.
Possession: is determined by control over a substance or object with or without regard to
Property: means any property owned, leased, or controlled by the University of Vermont,
including any motor vehicle and watercraft.
Student: Any person taking or auditing any courses at the University of Vermont. Any course
registration, whether in a non-degree or degree-granting program of undergraduate, graduate, or
professional studies, characterizes the registrant as a "student" from the point of registration to
the completion of the course of study. Persons who are not officially enrolled for a particular
term but who have clearly manifested intent to attend, remain in attendance, or to return to the
University of Vermont as students are considered "students." Examples include, but are not
limited to, students who are enrolled but not taking classes due to an academic break, medical
leave, suspension, or other personal leave; persons who demonstrate an intent to enroll by
registering for courses; and students participating in study abroad programs
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