One night, my mom came into both mine and my brother's rooms. Apparently, her and my stepfather saw something crawling on the floor and thought it was one of us. (I share a room with my little sister and she likes to sleep with my mom so my mom was checking on her more than me.) Of course, we were all laying down. And my brother didn't get up because I would have seen him since our rooms are right across from each other. Which I read something that says some shadow people crawl on the floor? But also around 3 a.m. I woke up and my legs were vibrating... I kept moving because when I moved the vibrating stopped. But after moving about 2 times something gently hit me on the head. This also happened twice before I decided to go to my mom's room. (She doesn't like hearing about me seeing ghosts or else she gets upset so I kept it to myself.) Well anyways she was up feeding my cousin's baby in her bed with only her phone flashlight on to see.
I went over and laid next to the baby. Soon after, a blackish grey hand came from the other side of me and waved like saying "hello? I'm right here!" I started bawling and my mom prayed for me. But I was wondering if you thought this was a shadow person? If not, good or bad? All it seems to want to do is scare us. I will post future stories on other experiences definitely. Bye! Thanks for reading this story and please let me know as soon as possible!