There are 100,000 lines of hair on our heads, if you don't believe you can count. But it is special for the golden head because there are about 140,000 lines of hair. The person who has red hair can have only 90,000 lines on his head. This is not true for the person who changes the color of his hair.
One researcher said that the children hair is grown and longer than adult. There was one point that in summer our hair is long abnormally or quickly. You don't have to fear that when you have your hair cut, it will not grow and enlong. It will use a petiod of time to be growing and long.
If you want your hair to be long fast, you don’t need to do anything
because it is long by itself. It is a waste of time to do something because
in one month your hair will be long not more than 0.5 inch. There is one way
to make your hair longer, that is, using a wig or asking for help in a beauty shop.