Table 1
Percentage of A. lumbricoides eggs during their maturation in the culture (week 1-4).
Week-1 (%) Week-3 (%) Week-4 (%) P
Abendazole Unsegmented 20.3 21.1 26.0 < 0.05
≥ 2 cell egg 15.4 10.6 9.8 < 0.05
Embryonated 7.3 19.5 13.8 < 0.05
Unfertilized egg 57.0 48.8 50.4 < 0.05
Mebendazole Unsegmented 21.7 19.8 25.5 < 0.05
≥ 2 cell egg 25.5 17.9 15.1 < 0.05
Embryonated 7.5 14.2 28.3 < 0.05
Unfertilized egg 45.3 58.1 31.1 < 0.05
Annova is used to analyze the trend of every step of the egg maturation during weeks of maturation.