When I look at ‘get it right from the beginning proposal, I can clearly see that this proposal focuses on the accuracy and form in the second language. So, the meaning and the fluency in the language aren’t important in this proposal. However, when I am a teacher, I will take the communicative aspects of language into consideration. Learners’ communicative abilities or usage of language effectively in communication will be important for me. So; this proposal can’t be guide for me to teach the language. It is really unsatisfactory because language teaching doesn’t mean only teaching form. Additionally, it shouldn’t be forgotten that accuracy and extensive focus on form leads learners to feel inhibited and reluctant to use the language communicatively. Although I support meaning based instruction or CLT in second language teaching I don’t completely ignore the ‘get it right from the beginning proposal. I will use the communicative language teaching in my lessons but this doesn’t mean that I never turn to this proposal. I think some critical topics or points in language teaching needs to use ‘get it right from the beginning’ proposal. For example; some mistakes in pronunciation, teaching some problematic words, or mistakes based on the L1 should be corrected benefitting from this proposal to avoid fossilization. Shortly, in my opinion, this proposal can’t be implemented completely from the beginning to the end of the lesson. I can benefit from it time to time. We should make the balance correctly.