A significant portion of labour trafficking victims with in Thailand are expected in commercial fishing, fishing related industries, low-end garment production, Factories and industries work, some victims are forced to beg on the streets
- Men are subjected for forced labour on Thai fishing boats, which travel throughout South east asia and beyond, some men remain at the sea for up to several years.
Recommendations for Thailand
1. Increase efforts through DSI & ONCC & OPSACC to prosecute & punish official engaged in trafficking relate.
2. Increase efforts to prosecute and convict trafficking, offenders in Thai’s commercial and export oriented sectors.
3. Develop and implement victim identified procedure and prioritize the rights and safety of potential victims (vulnerable population, foreign migrant, deportees and refugees)
4. Pursue and remind investigation of cases in which labour inspections reveal indicators of forced labour.
1. Report on the case of 674 on 2013 which more than 306 on 2012 and only 80 cases of forced labour of migrant workers.
2. RGT don’t hold the ship owners, captains or complicit government officials criminally accountable for labour trafficking in the commercial fishing industry.
3. มีการลงโทษ โบรกเกอร์พม่าในคดีที่เกี่ยวกับแรงงานบังคับในอุตสาหกรรมประมง 33 ปี และ 3 ปี และ 6 เดือน
4. มีการลงโทษเจ้าของท่าเรือที่ให้เกี่ยวกับแรงงานบังคับถึง 14 ราย ด้วยการจำคุกแค่ 3 เดือน
5. ไม่มีการลงโทษ public officer ที่เกี่ยวกับคดีโรฮิงญา
6. ไม่มีการดำเนินการขั้นตอนต่อไปในศาลสูง เช่นในปี 2011 มี offenders 2 พบว่ากระทำผิดจริง ในการบังคับให้คนงานทำงานใน shrimp peeling factory 73 คน แต่ศาลอนุมัติให้ปล่อยตัวก่อน ในระหว่างการรอลงอาญา 2 ปี
7. 33 local police officers on suspicion of a brothel (child sex)
8. Corruption that widespread in Thai law enforcement personnel
9. One case, it responded to information provided by Burmese police, leading to the rescue of 10 Burmese victims forced to work in food processing factory in Thailand.
10. Interagency coordination was weak by rudiment datary data collection system that made in difficult to share information across agency.
1. NGOs reported that the government did not provide adequate interpretation services or private space to screen potential victim.
2. Labour in debt-bonded, undocument, copy of work permit, keep ID or Passport
3. Victim under the shelter ไม่มีอิสระที่จะทำงานหรือออกไปข้างนอกสถานให้การดูแล
4. More than three of quarter of identified victims were children.
1. The use of criminal defamation laws to prosecute individuals for researching or reporting on human trafficking may have discourage effort to combat trafficking.
2. 4 UN special reapport expressed concerns that an ongoing prosecution against an anti-traffickings and migrant’s rights advocated in act of retaliation for his research documenters alleged trafficking violation in a food processing factory in Thailand.
3. High fee and poorly regulated and unlicensed labour broker.
4. Increasing the vulnerability of migrant worker to trafficking and debt-bondage
5. RTG took no steps to improve this process or improve law regulate inbound recruitment agencies and fees.
6. RTG failed to take measure to reduce the vulnerability to trafficking of members Thailand’s hill tribe communities and some application have been pending for 4 years.
7. RTG did not make efforts to significantly improve these conditions during the year.
8. RTG did not pass revision to labour laws which could help improve protection for workers on fishing vessel.
9. Weak law enforcement.
10. Department of Employment remained ineffective in regulating the excessive fee incurred by these worker in order to obtain employment.