After teacher questioning that explored the number of possibilities using one decimal
place, the task was brought to closure with the question “How many possibilities if there
were two decimal places?” (Posed but not answered). During the next few minutes (at the
commencement of pair-work), Leon and Pepe exhibited an intensity of focus as they talked
together at a fast pace and projected questions across the room to the teacher. This episode
is described in more detail in a previous paper (Williams, 2001). Leon’s interview suggests
Leon and Pepe discovered a complexity focused around: What is the relationship between
the number of rectangles possible using dimensions correct to different numbers of decimal
places? Leon’s interview descriptions provided evidence of creative thinking.
‘… it kept building and building and building- you sort of found a formula- a way to categorise it’
Although there is insufficient evidence to determine whether Leon and Pepe resolved
their spontaneous question, they did assembled disparate mathematical ideas and attempt
to formulate an algebraic expression to show the relationship between the terms