A comprehensive survey of experimental investigations of heat
transfer to supercritical water shows that the majority of experimental
data were obtained from vertical circular tubes [15]. There
are 5366 data points compiled from 13 open papers as listed in
Table 1. All the data were taken from vertical circular tubes and
were presented graphically in the source papers. The commercial
software GetData Graph Digitizer is used to translate the
experimental data points on the figures into digital data. The NIST
REFPROP software is used to determine the fluid thermophysical
properties corresponding to the given experimental conditions.
The parameter ranges cover bulk enthalpy from 278 to 3169 kJ/
kg, mass flux from 201 to 2500 kg/m2 s, heat flux from 129 to
1735 kW/m2, pressure from 22 to 34.3 MPa, and tube hydraulic
diameter from 6 to 26 mm.