level of technological details and some models are able to express wider economic issues [20]. Allocating literature review into the three categories provides a useful mechanism for discussion of low-carbon energy scenarios in a systematic way. Literature surveys were collected from three main sources of publication from 1990 to 2011. It revealed that energy studies within the scope of this study found from 2003 to 2011. Source one is scientific journals focusing on energy issues such as Energy Policy, Energy ,Applied Energy, and Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. Source two is journals covering the broad areas of environ- ment e.g., Climate Policy, Environmental Modeling and Assessment, Ecological Economics, and Journal of Industrial Ecology. Source three is non-journal publications, including conference proceedings, book chapters, reports, theses, and websites. It should be noted that the review is focused on the energy studies in Thailand only. Table1 lists the selected studies for review in this paper. It is found that many studies focus on technical energy system aspects. Some studies deal with economics of the energy systems and give attention to the social aspect. Dominant methodologies of energy scenario studies in Thailand have been the technical feasibility studies and modeling studies. The literature in general lacks the studies that make effort to integrate both societal and techno-economic issues. Scenarios across the three categories have given a minor consideration of political dynamics. Policy options often treated as external assumption rather than integral into the scenario.