หัวข้อ: รักแรกพบ
Thank you very much for your mutual interest - I'm very happy to hear from you, and maybe we could talk and chat later if you like. You seem to be a very interesting, attractive, delicious and a very charming and beautiful woman with a lot of character and with good values and energy for enjoying life. If you are interested, I would very much like to hear from you and to know you better. Your photos are adorable.
I have been divorced for 13 years. I have a son, who is now 20 years. He stays with his mother, but I spend a lot of time with him. He graduated in June last year, and began his Business studies in the Business School of Copenhagen in August last year.
I work as a Sales and Purchasing Manager within the business area of recycling of paper, cardboard, metals, other recyclable materials and raw materials in a Transport and Recycling company in Copenhagen. Earlier in my professional life, I have been working in the automotive business within sales, marketing and management.
I'm looking for the one and only woman in my life, ready for a unique long term relationship, who is sweet sincere, honest, and open to a strong relationship based on true love, respect, admiration and loyalty. In other words: my accomplice in every step of life.
I adore all the small wonders in life, enjoy all the good things, I love to travel, I love nice food - flowers and all beautiful and pleasant experiences. I love the good humor and positive thinking. I enjoy to explore and study other cultures, all different kinds of special food.
Let me hear from you, when you can.
If you have skype, my SKYPE name is: finn.christian.joergensen
My YAHOO mail is: fcjoergensen@yahoo.dk
My Mobile number is:
+ 45 ....
If you want I can call you. Please send me your e-mail address in order to communicate and learn more about each other.
With love from here and many kisses