The biotransformation rate is constant in the two limits of linear
metabolism (kx,m=Vmax/km (first-order kinetics)) and saturated
metabolism (kx,m is 0, zero-order kinetics). Here, we assume that
biotransformation rates follow linear, first-order kinetics, which is
often the case for environmentally relevant exposure concentrations
(Chiu and White, 2006). This allows for the use of a concentrationindependent
biotransformation rate constant (kx,m).
Chemical inhalation and exhalation rate constants
The biotransformation rate is constant in the two limits of linearmetabolism (kx,m=Vmax/km (first-order kinetics)) and saturatedmetabolism (kx,m is 0, zero-order kinetics). Here, we assume thatbiotransformation rates follow linear, first-order kinetics, which isoften the case for environmentally relevant exposure concentrations(Chiu and White, 2006). This allows for the use of a concentrationindependentbiotransformation rate constant (kx,m).Chemical inhalation and exhalation rate constants
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