#1202: Fights for Chu Feng
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„Xiahou Elder?”
this Xiahou Elder, many are the complexion big changes, especially thoses stand in Chu Feng here person, that is afraid the extreme.
In the heart is thinking that this may really be is afraid anything to come anything, they are afraid was Chu Feng has angered managing a household Elder of Lian Bing department.
But now, when Chu Feng beats savagely Liu Bingqi, Xiahou Elder appears, wasn't this stressed?
At this moment, almost all people thought that Chu Feng must be faced with imminent disaster, after all manages a household Elder to be possible non- common existence, he must teach Chu Feng, can find 100 reasons, it can be said that wants to tidy up anyone, tidies up anyone.
„Chu Feng, hits, kills him, the old man takes responsibility for you.” However, what making one unable to think, after Xiahou Elder appeared, has not punished Chu Feng, instead was makes Chu Feng continue to hit that Liu Bingqi, and genialness of manner, did not have the slight spunk, this made the people really ignorant.
„Elder, you” must discuss puzzled, at this time most puzzled is actually Liu Bingqi, is the member of Lian Bing department, after seeing Xiahou Elder appears, he thought seriously the liberator came, thought that this Chu Feng must but actually big mildew, think all humiliations that he receives, can double hits.
What situation however now is his mother? Own managing a household Elder, was not helping, but also wanted others to hit itself, at this moment, Liu Bingqi was disorderly immediately.
„Liu Bingqi, the technique is inferior to the human, then threatens, you threw completely the person of my Lian Bing department.”
„Chu Feng, hits, such disciple, does not match to keep my Lian Bing department simply, he is also not the old man receives the Lian Bing department, otherwise the old man expels the Lian Bing department him now.”
Xiahou Elder treats Liu Bingqi spunk to be full, but treats Chu Feng to be kind, such huge disparity, has shocked the eyeball of people seriously.
What situation is this? This fully does not conform to the common sense, why this Xiahou Elder is not helping Liu Bingqi, instead so turns toward Chu Feng this bystander?
„Elder, is not disciple presses Liu Bingqi, but he comes my Asura department to cause trouble, but must hit the member of my Asura department, shouted has been opening my Asura department, was managing a household of Asura department, I have no alternative but to serve with the disciplinary punishment to him.”
Actually, Chu Feng does not clarify condition completely, even he is unascertainable, this Xiahou Elder must help him, is acting in a play, for safety's sake, he received to suppress Liu Bingqi and others pressure, wanted to relinquish in light of this.
„Oh, the Chu Feng little friend, this Liu Bingqi does not make every effort to succeed, subjects to a penalty by rights ought, you hit are very good, but hits is not heavy, should hit one dozen to ruthless that he hits again.”
„Actually the old man comes today, the incident requested that does not know whether the Chu Feng little friend does promise the old man?” Asking that Xiahou Elder smiles.
„What doesn't know Elder?” Chu Feng asked.
„I want to invite the Chu Feng little friend to join my Lian Bing department, does not know that the Chu Feng little friend can want?” Xiahou Elder continues to say.
„What? This” Xiahou Elder such remarks, the person of presence is surprised once again, but at this moment, why Xiahou Elder is helping Chu Feng, but does not help Liu Bingqi, is reveals the truth.
Originally, from the beginning he comes for Chu Feng, he is invites Chu Feng to join the Lian Bing department.
Hears these words, other people, Liu Bingqi the face was also green immediately, he and Chu Feng have tied grudge, if Chu Feng has joined the Lian Bing department, how that also does have his good fruit to eat?
He is genuinely, does not hope that Chu Feng joins the Lian Bing department, is small disciple, he also does not have any right to speak, can only look helplessly Xiahou Elder invited Chu Feng, was helpless.
„Old monster, you are insincere, on the same day makes a bet with me obviously, so long as Chu Feng won Lei Yao, you cannot invite Chu Feng, today also to be how contradictory?”
However, at this moment, the violent anger sound resounds suddenly together, at the same time, the form is also flies to fall together, stood in Xiahou Elder opposite, unexpectedly was Wei Elder.
But Wei Elder at this moment, it may be said that is over the face scowl, that appearance, looks like must kill people simply.
„Hey, the old fogy, indeed