2.3. Grain yield and grain quality evaluation
Each plot was hand harvested and thrashed using a mini-Vogel machine. Grain yield was converted into kg/ha. All the quality traits were assessed using two random samples from each experimental unit. Grain protein content was determined using the NIRS system (near infrared spectroscopy using a Perten-Inframatic- 8600) (Sgrulletta and De Stefanis, 1997). Thousand kernel weight (TKW) was determined using the Numigral Chopin. Yellow berry rate was determined by inspecting 50 kernels sliced using the Poh’l farinotom. Gluten content and Gluten index were determined following the ICC (1986) standard methods (137, 155 and 158). The gluten is considered resistant (elastic) at Gi near to 100; well balanced at Gi between 60 and 80; and extensible at Gi < 50.