Dear ,
How are you dong? Hope well! I just come back from my travel, now it will be easy for us to communicate to each other I miss you so much I wish we could see each other every day but I know that you're so far away. It hurts me Did you know that I think about you at night wishing you were here? I intend to give you a surprise visit someday.
Dear I have some gift for you hope you like will it. One Diamond Wrist watch, a Leather Handbag, and Laptop Computer with some available cash to take good care of yourself. am in Japan now baby l wail travailing to London soonest
I do swear that I'll always be there. I'd give anything and everything and I will always care. Through weakness and strength, happiness and sorrow, for better or worse, I will love you with every beat of my heart! You are the love of my life and I am glad that I picked you to fall in love with. Please kindly provide your postal address for the posting please don’t miss understood why I am doing all this just to show how I do care hope you understand my feelings.
Waiting to hear from you soon, l never marry b4 ok