In respect of the highest grades achieved, there is a direct relationship with the amount of effort expended. Group 4 demonstrably illustrates this, although Group 3 did achieve slightly poorer results with an economy of effort. There were
however some apparently perverse results where Group 4 spent considerably more time on Case Study 4 than Case Study 3, yet their assessed grade did not reflect the extrea effort. When questioned as to why the extra time was spent on Case Study 4, the Group answered that they had particulalry enjoyed this one and time was spent on debating its merits, rather than on their task submission. The Group was however not dissapointed that the grade did not reflect their extra activity. They recognised that the learning that it had facilitated was recognised as was the life lesson that spending extra time on a task, just because you are enjoying it, was an alluring “hazard.” It is of note that this qualatative outcome i.e. student recognition that there was more to their learning outcomes, than the grade achieved, was a mature response indicative of the benefits of ALL.