We, the ministers in charge of foreign affairs and international economic cooperation from China and 44 African countries, met in Addis Ababa, capital of Ethiopia from 15-16 December 2003 for the Second Ministerial Conference of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation.
In conformity with the principles and objectives of intensifying consultations and expanding cooperation as upheld by the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (hereinafter the "Forum"), we reviewed the progress of joint implementation by China and African countries (hereinafter the "Two Sides") of the follow-up actions of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation-Ministerial Conference Beijing 2000, held consultations on cooperation between the Two Sides in the fields listed below for the period from 2004 to 2006 and adopted unanimously this Action Plan.
We are convinced that the Action Plan will facilitate the implementation of the principles and objectives set out in the Beijing Declaration of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation and the Programmed for China-Africa Cooperation in Economic and Social Development. We are determined to make the new China-Africa partnership a highly dynamic and effective one by working together to implement the Action Plan with concrete measures.
High-level Exchanges and Political Dialogue
We note that since the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation-Ministerial Conference Beijing 2000, the Two Sides have maintained
frequent exchange of high-level visits, which has led to a high-level political dialogue and cooperation. The Forum mechanism has improved and the consultation mechanism and dialogue channels between the Two Sides are diversified with the establishment of political consultation mechanisms and joint committees on economic cooperation and trade and on science and technology between China and some African countries, laying a sound political foundation for the implementation of the follow-up actions of the Forum and development of friendly and cooperative relations between the Two Sides in different fields.
We recognize the importance of high-level visits and the dialogue to enhancing consultation and cooperation between the Two Sides under the new situation and agree to promote the exchange of high-level visits and meetings between our leaders, enrich the contents of such visits and political dialogues, and with regards to peace and development and other important issues, expand common ground, coordinate positions, deepen cooperation, share experiences and pursue common development.
We reaffirm that the principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations and the Constitutive Act of the African Union, the Five Principles of Peaceful Co-existence as well as other universally recognized norms governing international relations must be respected.
We agree to give full support to the various existing dialogue mechanisms under the overall framework of the Forum and make political dialogue more oriented towards comprehensive cooperation.
Peace and Security
We note with satisfaction the deepening of cooperation between the Two Sides in resolving regional conflicts and other problems in Africa. We appreciate China's participation in
peacekeeping operations in Africa and express the hope that in order to make this operation fulfill the mandate early, China should consider intensifying participation. In this context also and in order to strengthen the capacity of African States to undertake Peace Keeping operations, China should give consideration to support Africa in the areas of logistics.
We are resolved to step up cooperation and work together to support an even greater role of the United Nations, the African Union and other sub-regional African organizations in preventing, mediating and resolving conflicts in Africa. We will continue to pay attention to the issue of African refugees and displaced persons. China will continue its active participation in the peacekeeping operations and de-mining process in Africa and provide, within the limits of its capabilities, financial and material assistance as well as relevant training to the Peace and Security Council of the African Union. In order to strengthen the capacity of African States to undertake peacekeeping operations, we look forward to the strengthening of China's cooperation with African States and Sub -regional organizations in the areas of logistics.
Non-Traditional Security Issues
We realize that non-traditional security issues such as terrorism, small arms trafficking, drug trafficking, illegal migration, transnational economic crimes, infectious diseases and natural disasters have become new variables affecting international and regional security, posing new challenges to international and regional peace and stability.
We further agree that non-traditional security issues, given their complexity and profound background, must be addressed with an integrated approach of political, economic, legal, scientific and
technological means and through extensive and effective international cooperation.
We are determined to intensify dialogue on the way forward for our coordination and joint action in respect of new non-traditional security issues.
We agree that terrorism is a threat to peace and security of all countries and therefore must be fought through close and effective cooperation. China supports Africa's efforts to prevent and combat terrorism, including its adoption of a counter-terrorism convention and the establishment of a Centre of studies and research on terrorism in Algiers.
We agree to further strengthen our cooperation in combating terrorism under the auspices of the United Nations and at other international fore.
Cooperation on International Affairs
We note that consultations and cooperation between the Two Sides on international affairs are gaining momentum, which is evidenced by their common position, mutual support and joint efforts to safeguard their common interests on major issues of principle such as national sovereignty and territorial integrity, non-interference in internal affairs, peaceful settlement of disputes, peaceful co-existence, national dignity and right to development.
We recognize that the world is undergoing complex and profound changes with peace and development remaining the major themes of our era. Destabilizing factors against world peace and security are on the rise, while the unfair and inequitable