While I cannot prove the validity of her accusations, I have been to several Wal-Mart stores and observed the absence of any type of seating within the sales floor, to include benches that were placed for customer use between the grocery and clothing departments in all of the stores I visited. I have also overheard conversations between employees in various areas of the stores as well as employees on break in the designated smoking areas and in-store restaurants. These conversations almost always include topics such as recently fired employees, reduced hours, denied workers compensation or disability claims, and someone being removed from the shift logs but has not been "officially" fired. Almost every employee is a single parent, uneducated, or timid senior citizen (usually widowed, uneducated, and low income men and women) and they often share their own concerns such reduced hours, fear of termination, illness, and injuries received while on the clock at Wal-Mart with each other.