Leisure is a human experience created by differentially self reflexive individuals interacting in social occasions. As discussed earlier, social occasions are constructed by interacting individuals who build a line of behavior after taking account of their own behavior and that of others in the occasion. Effective programming requires the programmer either to anticipate who the specific individuals will be and to design the pro gram for them, or to design the program for a specific type of individual then recruit this type of individual into the program When different individuals come into a program, it changes. A a caillustration this point is the operation of programs for youth ften the Same ram can be operated successfully year after year. The configuration the other five elements does not change--only the individuals in the Program change. For example, in a typical program for youth there may be a different cohort of 6-year-old children who tie in the same rogram each year. Even though the basic pro ot changed, it continues to be successful. What has changed iduals in the program. Since on of the program eleme changed, the program itself has in fact changed