This process I have described consists of moving from the reading and memoing loop into the spiral to the classifyin and describin interpreting loop. In this loop, category formation represents the heart of qualitative data analysis. Here researchers describe in detail, develop themes or dimensions through some classification an provide an interpretation in light of their own views or views of perspectives in the literature. Authors employ descriptive detail, classification, or interpretation or some combination of these analysis procedures. description means that authors describe what they see. This detail is provided in situ, that is within the context of setting of the person place event. Description becomes a good place to start in a qualitative study(after reading and managing data), and it plays a central role in ethnographic studies.
Classifying pertains to taking the text or qualitative information apart looking for categories, themes, dimensions of As a popular form of analysis, classification involves identifying five or six general themes. These themes, in turn, I view as a"family" of themes with children, or subthemes, and grandchildren represented by segments of data. It is difficult, especially in a large database, to reduce the information down into five or six"families," but my process involves winnowing the data reducing the to a small-manageable set of themes te write into my final narrative. Interpretation involves making sense of the data the"lessons learned" as described by Lincoln and Guba 1985). Several forms exist,