The 2007 Public Perception Survey (PPS) showed that
URA had made significant progress in making Singapore a
great city to live, work and play in. The level of satisfaction
with the living, working and recreational environment
(see Figure 7. I . I) had increased between 2.3% and
8. 4% compared to the 2003 survey. The overall public
satisfaction with Singapores environment had also
increased significantly by 4.9% in 2007 (see Figure 7.1.2).
There was also a significant increase in the percentage of
respondents [by 7% points) who agreed that Singapore
is a vibrant, exciting and distinctive city in 2007 [see
Figure 7.1.3).
Comparing Singapore to the nine cities benchmarked by
URA (see Figure 7. 1 . 4 on the next page), Singapore was
ranked 3rd, 4th and 10th position for the quality of its
working, living and leisure environment respectively.