research into the life of chimpanzees has brought to light many fascinating discoveries it highlights many similarities between humans and chimpanzees like humans,they too use tools For example they use small branches of trees to poke holes in tree trunks to extract insects they too show their love by hugging and kissing they can recognise themselves in a mirror-a quality which other animals lack and humans possess family bonds are strong and young ones always run back to their language in a very structured way
another surprising observation is that they made wars chimps in enemy camps were brutally attacked and killed the excitement and joy associated with this cruel activity reflected human behaviour in similar situations during a war among chimps some of the females leave the losing side to join the winner while they are accepted their young ones are not adoption of infants from an alien group is not acceptable in any animal species however humans differ in this aspect
complicated aspects of human behaviour may find answers in the study of the behaviour of chimpanzees but chimps are less complex and do not have the ability to hide their feelings