How you read depends on when and why you read. When you read to find information in a reference book, you probably just scan the words. You look for what you need. However ,when you read for fun in your free time , you read differently. You probably focus on the text more closely and read more slowly. The same situation apply online. Typically , people use website and online material as sources of information. Noy very many people spend time reading online just for pleasure. In essense , this means that very few people are reading every word that appears on their computer screens. Rather ,people are scanning web pages for data that is useful or interesting yo them. Writers who develop online material need to be awear of such reading habits. That way they can organize and format their material accordingly. Let's say a writer format his or her material as one big block of text. Most online readers will probably. Scroll right past it. Very short paragraphs of to or maybe three lines are much more likely to be read by online viewers. Bulleted lists and sentence fragment are even better ! One rule of thumb given for online material is this : make the text half the length of what you would use on paper. Writers should aim fir using half as many words as they would on paper. In addition they should only use two-thirds of the ideas they would use on paper. Fewer words and more focused add up to better cyber texts. The lengthof text is not the onle thing writers must take into account. If they want to catch reader's eyes and attention,they need to consider certain desigh factors. Designing online page is not easy. Some fonts, such Vardana and Georgia,are easy to read on a computer screen. Other fonts are not. Online writers also need to choose an appropriate size fonts. These factors help to persent online text effectively.