RH can be controlled by one or
more of the following procedures: (1)
adding moisture (water mist or spray,
steam) to air by humidifiers; (2)
regulating air movement and ventilation
in relation to the produce load in the
cold storage room; (3) maintaining
temperature of the refrigeration coils
within about 1ºC of the air temperature;
(4) providing moisture barriers that
insulate walls of storage rooms and
transit vehicles; (5) adding polyethylene
liners in containers and using perforated
polymeric films for packaging; (6)
wetting floors in storage rooms; (7)
adding crushed ice in shipping
containers or in retail displays for
commodities that are not injured by the
practice; and (8) sprinkling produce
with sanitized, clean water during retail
marketing of commodities that benefit
from misting, such as leafy vegetables,
cool-season root vegetables, and
immature fruit vegetables (such as snap
beans, peas, sweet corn, and summer