Madelung has quoted Al-Baladhuri,[k] as saying that Hasan, on the basis of his peace terms with Muawiyah, sent his tax collectors to Fasa and Darabjird. The caliph had, however, instructed Abdullah ibn Aamir, now again governor of Basra, to incite the Basrans to protest that this money belonged to them by right of their conquest. And that they chased Hasan's tax collectors out of the two provinces. According to Madelung, however, that Hasan would send tax collectors from Medina to Iran, after just having made plain that he would not join Muawiyah in fighting the Kharijites, is entirely incredible.[8][37] In any case as Muawiyah came to know that Hasan would not help his government, relations between them became worst. Hasan rarely, if ever, visited Muawiyah in Damascus, though he is said to have accepted gifts from him.[13]