2.2. Composting piles preparation
Natural casings waste was transported to the composting site in plastic drums with an average amount of 1.5 tonnes per day. Once on site, the shipment was discharged on platforms specifically prepared to receive such waste. Then, the daily amount was spread in thinner layers for better ventilation and decreasing waste residual moisture. After a few hours under the sun rays, the waste layers were mixed with calculated amounts of sheep manure and dead leaves at the ratio of 5:2:3 (natural casings:sheep manure:dead leaves). As waste was accumulated, the previous was turned and fractions were added to each other. It was noted that the anaerobic degradation began in the early days for certain areas on the spread waste layers liberating some offensive odors. This was the consequence of the unsatisfactory mixing process and the inhomogeneous feedstock which provided favorable conditions for anaerobic bacteria growth. Obviously, addition of small amounts of sheep manure and dead leaves to the feedstock and turning enough helped to surpass this last problem.