the aim of this study was to improve strawberry fruit storability by testing the effect of edible coating with soy or wheat gluten as s carrier of thymol, which mainly presents in the essential oil of thyme plants and calcium chloride on quality of strawberry fruits. thymol and calcium chloride were applied during preparing the edible coating film. coating fruits with thymol carried by soy protein or white gluten and CaCl2 carried by soy protein showed the lowest weight loss percentage. treating fruits with thymol carried by soy protein or white gluten did not exhibit any change in fruit appearance until 9 day of storage. all treatments maintained ascorbic acid content,firmness,TSS,total sugar and reduced the total colony,molds and yeasts compared to control. fruits coated with thymol carried by soy protein or white gluten was the most effective treatments. in addition, coating fruits with thymol carried by soy protein or white gluten recorded the lowest values of anthocyanin,higher chroma and higher hue angle compared to control fruit.