An eponym is a word that comes from a person’s name.
Here are some examples of eponyms.
Charles boycott was an Irishman who refused to lower the rents in his buildings.
He was greedy and not very nice.
As a result, people were very angry with him and they refused to talk to him.
The word boycott now means to avoid a person or a company.
It also means to refuse to buy certain products in protest.
Julius Leotard was a French gymnast who lived in the 19th century.
He always wore a garment that was very tightening when ho performed.
Today all gymnasts wear leotards.
John Montague, tho 4th Earl of Sandwich, was a man who loved to play card games.
he did not like to be interrupted.
He I wanted food that ho could eat at the table where he played games.
He invented a snack which was easy to hold and easy to eat-the sandwich!
I In the regiment of the Earl of Cardigan, the soldiers had to I wear sweaters or jackets that fastened up the front.
People then I began to call this type of sweater a cardigan.
Today many people have at least one cardigan in their i wardrobe.