„I must kill you, I must kill you, your devils!!!!”
As for small red, it has not planned to run, otherwise at its speed, not to mention ten Fourth Rank Martial Emperor powerhouses, even if 100 cannot hold it.
The small red family was extinguished, its anger launches a psychological attack, in crazy with own small body, as well as that extremely quick speed, unceasing is dashing that ten dark palace powerhouses.
Its speed is but fast, even if the body is strong, may the strength be after all limited, but depends upon this strength, is dashing ten dark palace powerhouses, is unable the true wound to the opposite party.
Finally, is one does not pay attention, by a dark palace powerhouse, was grasped in the hand, runs away continually cannot escape.
„Ha, small Thing, you also very can struggle, wants to revenge for the clansman, was a pity that you did not have the opportunity.”
„Your also opportunity, can accompany your clansman dead together.” Holds small red dark palace powerhouse, strange smiling.
At this moment, small red also gave up the resistance, it as if already knows that he is not the matches of these people, actually it had already been ready, with preparation that the clansman dies.
„Lets loose it.” However, at this moment, together the sound, is ordinary just like the startling thunderclap, human in dark palace crack.
Sound that suddenly broadcasts, lets ten dark palace powerhouses is one startled, turns head to wait and see, they are startled incomparably.
, not only because at this moment, is Xian Miaomiao that stands, Chu Feng, formerly those words, Chu Feng said.
„Chu Feng?!” Sees Chu Feng, ten dark palace powerhouses, the eye color of being startled, becomes richer.
Obviously, they have not thought that Chu Feng will come here, and also has brought the ancient times Elf little princess.
After all, Xian Miaomiao has not hidden the aura, but they are World Spiritist, therefore from the Xian Miaomiao age with cultivation for on, they already saw, Xian Miaomiao was that in ancient times Elf, famous talent little princess.
„Chu Feng, will you run to come to here? Oh, by your armor.” And holds the person of small red dark palace to say.
„I called you to let loose it.” Chu Feng said once again, in the sentence, the chill in the air four shoot.
However, that although felt the Chu Feng chill in the air, but he actually did not fear, not only did not fear, instead laughed, said: „Does not know the courage of which your coming, dares to clamor with me.”
The words come here, his vision becomes cloudier and colder, said to Chu Feng: „Chu Feng, you do not know that you did enter Gate of Death?”
However, at this moment, the Chu Feng suddenly personal appearance moves, before the twinkling then arrived at that body, afterward the blood light four shoot together, that arm, unexpectedly directly cutting to cut open by Chu Feng, but cuts to cut away his arm, by no means any sharp knife blade, is the palm of Chu Feng.
Is Chu Feng makes the blade edge by the hand, a potential quickly, only used to strike, then has cut off the arm of opposite party.
Cuts off his arm, small red also obtained the freedom, changes to together the thioindigo red, plundered to Xian Miaomiao.
But Chu Feng at this moment, has not actually called a halt, another hand aims at that dantian place, only listens to „puff”, then pierced that dantian.
At this moment, not to mention that was pierced the dantian the person of dark palace, other nine also completely are shocked, cultivation of Chu Feng, although under them, battle efficiency that but this twinkling erupts, is extremely really astonishing.
But when the human is shocked in the presence of everyone, Chu Feng is the vision twinkle, immediately from all directions, all presented the strength of golden Formation, Formation changed to the airtight fortress, blocked them completely.
„Here indeed has a Gate of Death, but this master in Gate of Death is not you, is I.”
The Chu Feng arm flings suddenly, the person of that dark palace, already shaken being split up, before he dies, shouted continually an opportunity does not have.
„The Fifth Rank strength, do you actually have the Fifth Rank strength?”
At this moment, in the eyes of people of that nine dark palace, the vision becomes more panic-stricken.
They had not realized obviously that Chu Feng strength unexpectedly such, counter fights Fourth Rank is rare, so far, entire Holy Land of Martialism, only then Chu Feng and Elf little princess has achieved that boundary, but does this counter fight Fifth Rank what's the matter?
At this moment, the people of not to mention these dark palaces, Xian Miaomiao is also the vision dodges, obviously she has not thought that the Chu Feng strength so will be tyrannical, is counter fights Fifth Rank unexpectedly.
„I asked that an issue, you replied one, otherwise you must die completely.” Chu Feng ice-cold saying.