Nongๆ, please find attached Hygiene Inspection report 3rd December 2013. There are 3 main issues as below.
1. Repeated tooth pick, object obstruct the life jacket, housekeeping, etc please help remind each other and stop this recurrence krab
2. Tool in the bed room after discuss during morning meeting, the clean tool is allowed but keep them properly and not let it be the sharp/drop object hazard krab.
3. Personal Wi-Fi router need to be preset by ICT prior using since some of them causing the interfere with the internet system and need to config properly. Anyhow, avoid bringing and using them, the only reason to use the personal Wi-Fi router is when the provided signal is low and unable to connect the internet. The un-declare Wi-Fi router found will be removed and kept with me krab.
Believe you understand the comment and have a nice stay offshore.