In the computer security context, a hacker is someone who seeks and exploits weakness in a computer system or computer network. The weakness that we had in vCruise is we gave VIP 35% of discount on vCredit purchase, we accidentally left out a vCredit gift card that allowed you to exploit this loophole to gain unfair advantage over your fellow players. Again, we are not checking for individual accounts and not asking everyone who exploited the game to apologize for the inconvenience this has brought to the majority of the players who did not take advantage of this loophole. But it's an indication, everyone who likes or comments in favor of the hacking behavior is identifying themselves as one of the exploiters / hackers / cheaters (You still can unlike or delete the comments you did with the previous post if you think you are not one of them.). Besides, there is a big difference of buying it once or twice without realizing it's a loophole, and if you maliciously exploit it 5000 times and gain yourself unfair advantage over others. We hope you could stop doing this in the future. This behavior is not encouraged, in fact it is prohibited in the game. If you could help to notify the game about such behavior, you will be rewarded 100 vCredits to 1000 vCredits. If you spread such exploitation, you will be banned from the game.
Ask yourself this, if you pick up a wallet on the street that does not belong to you, what do you do?
Thank you for your understanding.