In addition to the tracking HTML codes utilized by NewsRight, a news
publisher has the option to use other simple HTML tags or other technological
barriers, such as password protection or forced redirection, when preventing
news aggregators from accessing its websites.318 Without the ability to scrape
content, aggregators must use a manual process, which decreases the
likelihood aggregators will include the website’s original content on their
sites.319 These technological fixes, however, come with consequences for news
publishers. If aggregators do not have access to a website’s original content,
the publisher is potentially sacrificing the website’s visibility and possible ad
revenue.320 Publishers must carefully weigh these frustrations. For example, if
a website wishes to link to Japan’s largest business newspaper, the Nikkei,321
an administrator must complete a detailed written application stating itsreasons for linking to the site.322 By restricting the public’s ability to link to its
site, Nikkei seeks to “protect its content, ensure that its paywall would not be
breached, and . . . prevent the linking of its content from ‘inappropriate’
sites,”323 which some criticize as outdated thinking towards the Internet.324