Yearly data
Monthwise commoditywise traffic handled
Port Traffic
Comparison of monthly traffic handled during the 2011-12 vis-a-vis 2010-11
Yearwise commoditywise traffic handled during the last 5 years
Growth in traffic handled during last five years
Traffic handled at Major Ports
No. of Ships left after cargo operations
Average time spent at Berth (in days)
Average detention per ship (in days)
Average turn-round time (in days)
No. of Ship days Lost on account of non-availability of berth
No. of Ships detained (berthed ships)
Average detention per affected ships (in days)
Berth occupancy ( %)
Average size of parcel per ship (in tonnes)
Average Quantum of cargo handled per ship berthday (in tonnes)
Average working time (in days)
Average non-working time (in days)
Percentage of non working time at berth to the total stay at berth (%)
Cargo handled (in tonnes)
Average pre berthing detention (in days)
Average turn round time (in days)
Average ship berthday output (in days)
Traffic handled at Mumbai Port (in million tonnes)
Commoditywise breakup of traffic handled in 2011-12