Instead, they suffer this. This is a modern epidemic and it is as misplaced and it is as fictitious. This is the plague of ADHD. Now this is a map of the instance of ADHD in America – or prescriptions for ADHD. Don’t mistake me. I don’t mean to say there is no such thing as Attention Deficit Disorder. I am not qualified to say if there is such a thing – I know that the great majority of psychologists and pediatricians think there is such a thing. But it is still a matter of debate. What I do know for a fact is it is not an epidemic. These kids are being medicated as routinely as we had our tonsils taken out. And on the same, whimsical basis and for the same reason: medical fashion. Our children are living in the most intensely stimulating period in the history of the earth. They’re being besieged by information and calls for their attention from every platform: computers, from i-phones, from advertising hoardings, from hundreds of television channels. And we’re penalizing them now for getting distracted. From what? Boring stuff, at school, for the most part.