It is 3:30 AM. You are sleeping soundly when the alarm sounds: "Unit 3, respond to 1451 US Highway 98 South, cross street Highway 540A, for an unknown medical emergency." You climb out of bed, get dressed, and meet your partner in the rescue vehicle Dispatch tells you that your patient is in a car parked on the northbound lane of Highway 98 and is a female patient in labor. You advise dispatch that you are responding. You arrive on-scene in about 8 minutes You pull up behind a car with its hood up, and you park. A young man is in the back seat of the car and motions you to hurry. You walk toward the car with your BSI precau tions on. You look inside and observe a young woman lying in a supine position in the back seat of the car. She is lying with her legs spread apart and her head against the door. She is covered by a small bianket and is moaning loudly as you approach the car. You tell the young man, "Hello! My name is Barb, and this is Jack, and we are EMTs. We're here to help What's the problem tonight?" He anxiously says, "I was taking Mary to the hospital when my car broke down. She has been in labor for about 2 hours. She's going to have the baby! You've got to help us!" You reply, "We will do everything we can You quickly jump into the back seat to evaluate Mary. Mary, who appears to be about 30 years old, is alert and screaming, "It's coming! It's coming!" You administer oxygen via nonrebreather mask and set the flow rate at 15 lpm. You quickly remove the blanket and cut off her underpants so you can examine the vag nal area. Crowning is present with each contraction.Mary says, "I feel like I have to move my bowels I really need to push." You tell her to try not to push until you can get things set up. You place a folded sheet under her hips and open up the sterile obstet- rical kit that Jack brings you. You create a sterile area by placing a sterile sheet under her buttocks and place a sterile sheet on her lawer abdomen. You then put the OB kit within easy reach.She yells once again, "l've gotta push now!" You tell her to go ahead and push. You place your gloved spread fingers on the infant's skull and exert gentle steady pressure. The head is bulging frorn the vagina and is covered with a thin semitransparent membrane. You quickly use a clamp from the OB kit to tear the membrane and push it away from the infant's head and face. The head delivers quickly and is positioned fingers to in a "nose down" position. You use two is com check down the neck of the infant. The head pletely delivered and has rotated in such a manner as to now be facing the mother's right leg. You suc tion the mouth free and then the nose of fluid and express it onto a spare towel. The fluid is clear and odorless. The infant's torso is expelled. You support the head and torso with your hands and grasp the in fant's feet as the delivery proceeds. You clear the mouth and nose again as the infant begins to cry.You tell Mary, "It's a girl!" You dry the infant with sterile tower, and place it on its side with the neck in an extended position on the car seat even with the mother's vagina. You place two clamps on the umbil- ical cord and use a sterile scalpel to cut the cord be- the clamps, you hand the baby Jack to manage. Jack wraps the baby in a warm receiving blan ket, shows it to the ecstatic father, and takes the baby to the ambulance to keep warm and evaluate. You con- tinue to manage the mother. You clean her up while for of the placenta. You observe some bleeding from the vagina and control it with san- itary pads. You take the vital signs on the mother.You ask Mary if she has been under prenatal care. She states, "Yes, Dr. Menendez has been taking care of me. Everything has been quite normal, up to now He is at the hospital waiting for us." Mary is alert and oriented; her respirations are 14 per minute and of normal depth; the pulse is 100 per minute, strong and regular: the skin warm and dry pupils and reactive and respond briskly to light, the blood pressure is her Spo2 96 In 10 minutes the placenta appears at the vagina, and you take hold of it and gently support it as it is ex- You place the placenta jn a plastic bag. You inspect the perin tearing and place sanitary mother to pads over the vaginal put her legs together and you record the time of birth. You find out that Mary has had four pregnancies and has delivered three live births, including this new born. Jack has been managing the infant baby girl. He obtained the following findings from the 1-minute APGAR: appearance blue hands and feet with skin at the body core; pulse-140 per minute; grimace stimulation causes a cry; activity newborn moves around; respiration respirations and strong cry. He maintains the infant's warmth and repeats the APGAR at 5 minutes. The following findings m are noted: appearance the skin of the extremities as well as the trunk is pink; pulse 150 per minute; grimace stimulation causes a cry; activity newborn moves around; respiration good