If social media is not limited it becomes a WASTE of TIME! I am guilty of this too. Just the other night I was getting ready for bed, in the bathroom brushing my teeth and there’s my phone sitting on the vanity. I thought to myself you can brush and check twitter at the same time. So it starts by me rationalizing why I am getting on social media. Then I see a blog post I want to read. I get into bed and read the blog post which then reads to another post and reading about the author, looking at their website and before I know it I’ve been on social media for 2 hours and now its midnight and I’ve just wasted my time. I could have been sleeping or doing something product around the house but now I’ve only got 4 or 5 hours until I need to wake up. I have no one to blame but myself because if you don’t limit social media it can become WHAT?…a WASTE OF TIME!