Dispersive Liquid Liquid MicroExtraction (DLLME)
is a novel liquid-liquid extraction protocol based on ternary
component solvent systems [11]. DLLME method has
the advantages of simplicity of operation, rapidity, low cost,
high recovery and enrichment factors, and has been proved
to be a suitable preconcentration procedure for
various metal ions [12,13]. In recent years, the
application of Ionic Liquids (ILs) as solvents instead of
organic solvents, in combination with various techniques,
has attracted considerable attention in the field of
analytical chemistry [14]. Ionic liquids are liquid salts
with melting points near or below room temperature.
They are generally considered to be environmentally
friendlier than common organic solvents and have unique
chemical and physical properties such as negligible vapor
pressure, non-flammability, good extractability for
various organic compounds and metal ions as neutral or
charged complexes, as well as tunable viscosity and
miscibility with water and organic solvents [15].