Looking at the fixed use case first, the following network
would be deployed with the above assumptions. The total
number of coverage BTSs required is approximately 800,
which is divided between the three different areas. Of the 800
base stations, 520 would be situated in urban areas, 150 in suburban areas, and 130 in rural. The emphasis is in the urban
BTS sites because of two factors: the higher rollout
percentage and the smaller cell range for urban BTS sites.
Somewhat larger differences can be seen in the capacity BTS
network. There would be a need for 650 capacity sites in the
urban areas, for 400 sites in the suburban areas, but for one in
the rural areas. This is due to the low population density in the
rural areas, which results in a very limited capacity demand
per each capacity BTS. In addition, small investments are
necessary for the transport network and the core site elements.
All the capital investments needed for the SAE network are
illustrated in the chart below.