Nowadays you need money for your whole life; for clothes, for food, for a shelter and even water costs. You may know the proverb ‘Money doesn’t bring happiness’. It’s very controversial. Half says it is wrong, the other says it is true. But would you be happy without any penny? Since money is a large part of our life, you need at least little money to be happy.
Another important point is for education. School here may be gratis, with money you are able to afford for example a private school or extra help, though. Also if your parents work in a good company, they may be able to get you a good apprenticeship.
Money has caused many problems, though. Thus, I think it would be good to share out the money better. That’s very difficult, because then, I think, there would be a commercial crisis. Whereas, our state could produce more money and donate it to Third World Countries. There wouldn’t be that much poverty, then.
Nowadays poverty exists all over the world and it is increasing more and more. Many people have lost their jobs because of money. For example new machines have been invented and do now the work, which a person used to do. All because the company had enough money, and they want to produce as reasonably as possible.
I think you don’t have to have bulky money, but at least enough to buy food and be happy and to be on the safe side; for example being able to pay taxes. But even that little money a lot of people don’t have.