Tettamanzi (2003)
This study, based on a questionnaire sent to 150 private companies, describes the
historical evolution, current state and prospects for future developments of internal
audit practices in Italy and the United Kingdom. Tettamanzi found that the percentage
of time spent on financial auditing is lower than the other types of activities (like
compliance or operational reviews) In Italy, as well as the UK, it was found that if
internal audit has been existing for a period of time, its activities mainly focus on
operational and management auditing. If the internal audit unit has been recently set
up, they mainly focus on financial auditing. Nevertheless, the relevance of financial
auditing was higher in the past. Currently, more resources have been devoted to
operational and management audit and this will increase in the future. The study also
reveals that in the UK, many companies have introduced an internal audit department
to comply with the Cadbury Code. Similarly, in Italy, the Preda Code has determined
the introduction and improvement of internal auditing in listed companies.