While the child was still being suckled at its mother’s breast the marquis decided to test Griselda’s steadfastness. One night he reminded Griselda of how he had rescued her from poverty and told her that his courtiers resented servitude to a common village girl. He said that the time had arrived to test her patience. The Marquis then told her that one of his courtiers would soon come for her child. He then asked her whether the taking away of her child would effect her love for him. Griselda replied that both her own and her daughter’s lives were at his disposal and nothing would ever change her love for him. The marquis was happy with the answer but went away with a grim countenance. He then ordered a bodyguard to take away Griselda’s daughter.
The bodyguard arrived and seized the child cruelly away from Griselda and made it appear as if he was going to slaughter her. But Griselda didn’t betray any emotions and complied to her husband’s will.
The bodyguard returned to the marquis and related the entire incident and described Griselda’s behavior. The marquis then ordered him to take the child to his sister at Bologna. In the meanwhile Griselda’s love for her husband did not abate.