provider, 2) being knowledge driven, 3) partnering as a first choice strategy, and 4)
mastering change (Goldman, Nagel, & Preiss, 1995).
Delphi Study - A scientific process that generates information through a series of
interactive probes. It attempts to seek consensus from various individuals (Eason, 1992,
p. 1). More specifically, Linstone and TurofF (1975) define the Delphi study as “a
method for structuring a group communication process so that the process is effective in
allowing a group of individuals, as a whole, to deal with a complex problem.”
Elementary School - An elementary school is defined as any school with a grade
configuration no higher than grade six, and must contain a minimum o f two consecutive
grade levels.
High School - A high school is defined as any school containing any grade level
at or above grade eight and contains a minimum of two consecutive grade levels.
Middle School - A middle school must contain grade seven, no grade higher than
grade nine, no grade lower than grade 5 and a minimum of two consecutive grade levels.
Principal - The person who serves as the chief administrator in the school
building, and possesses an educational administrative certificate or title.
Private School - A school identified by any other name except public. A private
school is any school that is not governed by publicly elected or appointed school
officials. For this study, private schools included any religious, or for-profit non-charter
school. No charter schools were included in the sample.