Generally, plants are not able to produce IAA in sufficient quantities for growth and development. Some
strains RPTT (Rizobacteria boosters grown plants) or popularly known PGPR (Plant growth promoting
rhizobacteria) of precursors capable of synthesizing IAA (base material) contained in root exudates and organic
ingredients. Various studies indicate that IAA produced by bacteria as PGPR Azospirillum and Azotobacter paspali
Brasiliense can increase the number of lateral roots and root system size thereby increasing the water and nutrients
uptake from the soil [1,8]. IAA synthesis in the ground had been available through specific precursors (base
material) triptopan (L-tryptopan). Tryptopan is one source of N for the microbes contained in root exudates and
organic matter can be converted by soil microbes into IAA [2]. This study was carried out to Isolation and Screening
Bacterial Exopolysaccharide (EPS) from Potato Rhizosphere in Highland and The Potential as a Producer Indole
Acetic Acid (IAA)