Dear mayomdong (,
We appreciate you providing us with the requested documents to verify your account. After further review, I am pleased to inform you that the account has been reinstated to full activity.
Please understand that the prior action taken was done to help protect you and the Community as a whole. As we are an entirely online market, our success is dependent upon trust and transparency. We need to be able to verify your identity; which is why we had requested this documentation from you. I understand that having your account limited is frustrating; however requiring this documentation from our members is one of the steps that we have deemed necessary to help make eBay as safe and fair a trading environment as possible.
In order to avoid running into this problem again, I encourage you to keep your information up to date. You can find more information about what should be kept up to date and how to do so here:
We value you as an eBay member and wish you future success in all of your buying and selling with us. Please do not hesitate to let us know if we can help in anyway. We want to do everything we can to make your eBay experience great.
Kind Regards,
[THREAD ID: 1-22867232866]