The current research aims to determine the level of elementary school teachers’ quality of work life (QWL) to
predict work alienation. The study was designed using the relational survey model. The research population
consisted of 1096 teachers employed at 25 elementary schools within the city of Van in the academic year 2010-
2011, and 346 teachers were used for the sampling. The group (cluster) sampling method, a probability-based
sampling method, was used in the current study. The scales of Quality of Work Life and Work Alienation were
used as data collection tools. The data was analyzed through frequency, percentage, standard deviation, t-test,
ANOVA, and regression analysis. Teachers who participated in the sub-dimension of QWL, mostly at medium
levels, stated that the level of work alienation was low. Female teachers stated that their total area of lv ife was
better than that of males, but female teachers more often felt powerless, meaningless, and isolated at schools.
Married teachers stated that their total area of life was better than that of single teachers. Classroom teachers
stated that they received less appropriate and fair compensation compared with subject-matter teachers.
Teachers from the 6 to 10 year seniority group agreed the least that the working capacity at schools was
developed, compared to teachers from the 11 to 15 yearand 16+ year seniority groups. It was found that the subdimensions
of QWL were significant predictors of total area of life, democratic environment, social integration,
healthy and safe working conditions, and appropriate and fair compensation. Also, the sub-dimensions of work
alienation were significant predictors of powerlessness, meaninglessness, isolation, and alienation from school.